About Us

Parc La Salle School is a neighborhood school that is focused solely on the developing years from kindergarten to grade four. It is an English program for children in St. Norbert as well as in the surrounding areas. We have a student enrolment of 170 students and a dedicated staff of 9 classroom teachers, a resource teacher, a half-time physical education teacher and part-time teachers in music and counseling. We have a wonderful team of educational assistants to assist us in providing adaptive programming for any students who needs it. We also have a secretary, a librarian and 2 custodians. The team works together to provide an active and inclusive program for all students.

Academics play a vital role in every school and the teachers work diligently to implement the Manitoba Curriculum in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, Music, Health and French. We have an excellent rate of success in student achievement so that by the time the children leave Parc La Salle School, the majority of our students are reading at or above grade level.

Citizenship and community service also play a significant role in Parc La Salle School. How we treat each other and how we solve our problems are related to our success as human beings, as citizens. We are running the Roots of Empathy Program with a baby from the community who visits the classroom once a month. The children learn about the baby and relate the baby's feelings and actions to their own, coming to understand and have empathy for others, which in turn will help them to understand and to have empathy with their classmates and thereby prevent conflicts.

We appreciate the work and commitment of our Parent Association. We are fortunate to have elected new members to our Executive who will play an important role in the support and enhancement of school programs.

We offer an excellent reading program but it is more successful when parents take an active role in helping their children at home. Parents and teachers work together to ensure successful school years.

Reading is one of the most important skills you can help your children with. Reading to them is a wonderful family activity. Seeing parents engaged in reading is also an activity that shows the value of books and reading. You can help your child no matter what level they are at, from letter recognition to pointing out environmental print, all the way to reading and discussing favorite novels. Children are also open to comparing the story in a book to the movie and you may be surprised what they prefer.

Ask your child and your child's teacher about how you can help.

Our Mission

At Parc La Salle we take the high road. We care about ourselves, each other, our school and our community. We show respect by using kind words and actions, listening thoughtfully, standing up for our beliefs, and taking responsibility for our actions and learning. This is who we are, now and in the future, even when no one is watching.

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